The Mary Hamilton Papers : Copy of letter from Mary Hamilton to Leonard and Jane Smelt
Hamilton, Mary
The Mary Hamilton Papers
<p style='text-align: justify;'>Copy of letter from Mary Hamilton (now Mrs Dickenson) to a Mr and Mrs Smelt [Mr Leonard Smelt, a former deputy-governor to the Royal princes (c.1719-1800)] relating to the King's illness. She begins her letter by stating that although it is a long time since she has written to her friends she is still assured of their good wishes and is breaking 'through the silence' after hearing the happy news of the King's recovery. Few of his subjects, she continues will 'acknowledge the goodness of almighty God in the recovery of his Majesty'. Hamilton writes of her concern for the Queen. She reports that her friend, Lady Cremorne (see <a target='_blank' class='externalLink uom-purple' href=''>HAM/1/11</a>) had recently seen the Queen and noted that she had looked much thinner. Hamilton asks Mr and Mrs Smelt to let her know that the Queen's 'health is not materially injured & that she has recovered her looks with her happiness'. She also asks for a report on the princesses.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Hamilton continues on to family matters and writes that her daughter, Louisa is well and 'delights our hearts'. She forwards her love to Miss Burney [Frances Burney (1752-1840), author. Burney was second Keeper of the Robes to Queen Charlotte from 1786 to 1791. She married Alexandre D'Arbly (1754-1818), a French career soldier in 1793 when she was 41, they had one child] and asks the Smelts to tell her that Hamilton would be glad to hear of her health from her own hand.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Original reference No. 22.</p>