The Mary Hamilton Papers : Journal-letter from John Dickenson to Mary Hamilton

Dickenson, John

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Journal-letter from John Dickenson to Mary Hamilton. He updates her with general news of what he has been doing including hearing a Methodist preaching in Chester: 'His sanctified affected Manner with the curious Phizes [facial expressions] of many of the Devotees would have provoked my Risibility had I not been in Company with a thoughtless imprudent young Man whose Manners I am very anxious to reform'.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dickenson has just returned from Buxton where he has been to bathe and take the waters. He asks Hamilton to send Miss Dickenson and Eliza some hats: 'they dont wish to have 'em so very hoity toity – they complain of hav[in]g none at present that are fit to be seen – I think it would be very proper if you was to lay in a tolerable stock of eight guinea Caps and every other Article of female Apparel in the same proportion'.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Original reference No. 26.</p>

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