The Mary Hamilton Papers : Journal-letter from John Dickenson to Mary Hamilton
Dickenson, John
The Mary Hamilton Papers
<p style='text-align: justify;'>Journal-letter from John Dickenson to his wife Mary née Hamilton covering the period 11-12 February 1786. He visited Mrs Delany [Mary Delany, née Granville (1700-1788), English Bluestocking, artist, and letter-writer] and found her well after recovering from 'giddiness in her head', for which she has been bled. He wishes that she would not allow so many visitors each morning or at least set aside part of the day to receive visits. Dickenson reports that there were sixteen people visiting her that morning. They spoke a lot about Hamilton and when he referred to her as his 'better half', Mrs Delany reprimanded him and said: 'I will not allow that – there are two good hearts perfectly united'. Mrs Delany noted that the Queen often makes enquiries about Hamilton and wishes to know if she is happy, for she 'deserves to be so'. Knowing that Hamilton enjoys anecdotes, Mrs Delany tells Dickenson one about Princess Amelia, who when dining with the King set her eyes on some fish, but the King would not allow her any, stating that it would not be good for her. After this refusal she called for attendants and requested that the fish be removed, as it was not good for the King.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>The letter continues to update Hamilton on his visits and meetings of 11th and 12th February.</p>