The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Mrs Sarah Dickenson (née Chetham) to Mary Hamilton

Dickenson (née Chetham), Sarah

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Mrs Sarah Dickenson to Mary Hamilton. Mrs Dickenson writes that she had given Hamilton warning that she was a poor correspondent and wonders at her wishing to correspond with her as she feels her life would not interest a young woman. Mrs Dickenson devotes her time to her family and children. The children 'wou[l]d divert you, but that which is pleasing to a fond mother, is too insignificant to be committed to paper'. Alluding to her son John, Mrs Dickenson notes that Hamilton can guess who the 'bearer of this [letter is], by his complexion; he has had great disadvantages by being brought up at a country school, but I hope your fine town will polish him'. She continues that she is anxious over 'parting' with her son and that she would not miss the opportunity of sending her compliments to Hamilton and ends the letter noting that Mr Dickenson sends his compliments although he has not 'the pleasure of knowing you'.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at Taxal [Derbyshire].</p>

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