The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Frederick Hamilton to Mary Hamilton

Hamilton, Frederick

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Rev. Frederick Hamilton to Mary Hamilton. The letter is undated but Frederick Hamilton writes that it is a reply to his niece's letter dated 20 April 1777. The letter relates to Mary Hamilton being offered a place at Court as a sub-governess to the Princesses. Lord and Lady Dartrey had informed Mary Hamilton that she was being considered for a place at Court in 1777, and in this letter her Uncle describes Lord and Lady Dartrey's efforts on Hamilton's behalf as 'generous'. He counsels Mary Hamilton to be prudent, as 'all the avenues of a Court are narrowed with flattery and deceit', and advises that her good sense will prevent her getting into any danger. He suggests that, although her whole time may not be occupied by the post, it will be the best course for her to devote her whole time to it. He encourages her to accept the role, noting that there can be no objection to her accepting the position, as it as an excellent opportunity for her future prospects.</p>

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