The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Frederick Hamilton to Mary Hamilton
Hamilton, Frederick
The Mary Hamilton Papers
<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Rev. Frederick Hamilton to Mary Hamilton. After expressing concern over Mary Hamilton's health, the letter relates to Frederick Hamilton's living in Ireland. He had had expectations of further advancement in the Church, but this now seems unlikely, and he describes being situated at the 'farthest Northern part of Ireland' amongst Presbyterian Independents, who, given the chance, would emigrate to America. 'I must [...] sooner resign my Living than attend to what is call[e]d my duty among a set of people that have an unconquerable aversion to the establish[e]d Church'. Frederick Hamilton has made the decision to spend the remainder of his life in Ireland, and in such expensive times, he acknowledges that giving up such a living may not meet with the approval of his relations ['friends'].</p>