The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Frederick Hamilton to Mary Hamilton

Hamilton, Frederick

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Rev. Frederick Hamilton to Mary Hamilton. The letter relates to a fraud that involved the use of Mary Hamilton's name. Money had been given to an unknown woman on production of a bill to a Mr Berger. A bill was also presented elsewhere by this woman and refused. Frederick Hamilton writes that Mr Berger is not to be pitied as he should have known better as he was unacquainted with the handwriting and was not aware of Mary Hamilton's Christian name. He advises Mary Hamilton not to be concerned and to contact her attorney if anything further happens relating to this. The letter also informs Mary Hamilton of the death of her friend Mr Glover. He has made enquiries with Mrs and Miss Glover, who are not yet aware of how 'he has left his property'. Dated at Bedford Square [London].</p>

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