The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Jane Holman to Mary Hamilton
Holman (née Hamilton), Jane
The Mary Hamilton Papers
<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Jane Hamilton to Mary Hamilton. The letter talks of family and general news including a visit from Jane Hamilton's sister Elizabeth to London, and her joy of seeing her after an absence of three and a half years. The sisters have been visiting family members, including Lady Warwick and Lady Stormont. She has also been to see a play, but unfortunately not on a night that Mrs Siddons [née Kemble, Sarah Siddons, actress (1755-1831)] performed, who she reports is 'expects to be confin[e]d the latter end of this Month, yet goes on performing still; and as I am told, if possible better than ever – she is a wonderful Creature is she not?'.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Jane reports that London is not as busy as expected, as Parliament is 'out so late' and people are making the most of their summer and staying away from the city. She informs Mary Hamilton that she continues to practise music and that she has been told that she is looking much stronger after spending her summer in the Country. She bathed regularly and believes that this did her much good, although 'there was nothing the matter with me'. The letter also reports that Mr Glover is not expected to live much longer. Dated at London.</p>