The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Jane Holman to Mary Hamilton

Holman (née Hamilton), Jane

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Jane Hamilton to Mary Hamilton. She reports that Miss Glover's health had improved [she was suffering from a 'bilious' complaint] and that Mrs Glover had said that she had never known of anyone receiving more benefit from James's Powders [patented medicine (1746) known as 'Dr James's Fever Powder', used as a cure for many different conditions] than her daughter. The letter relates to various family matters and to the new house Frederick Hamilton is building in Oxford Street (see HAM/1/4/2/3). A house has been taken next door to the building plot for one year and the family will move into it tomorrow.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at Bedford Square [London].</p>

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