The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Jane Holman to Mary Hamilton
Holman (née Hamilton), Jane
The Mary Hamilton Papers
<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Mrs Jane Holman née Hamilton to Mary Hamilton. The letter predominantly relates to Jane's relationship with her husband. Jane has returned to London from Bath and reports that her father is growing more anxious for her future, and that he is convinced that her returning to her husband 'is the first step' [she was now estranged from her husband], although she is unable to act upon this until she knows whether her husband will be engaged in Dublin for the rest of the season. Her sister wrote to her that the owner of the Dublin Theatre, Mr Jones [Frederick Jones, manager of the Crow Street Theatre, Dublin (later named the Theatre Royal) – for a time Joseph Holman shared the management of the theatre with him] was then in London, and she wanted to 'seize the opportunity of having an interview with him, in order to get some light into my future prospects'. Jane reports that her sister is being kind at the moment and that she will be staying with her while in London. Mrs Stratford has offered to take her sister with her to Dublin in the summer if Mr Holman is to be engaged in Dublin. Jane notes that if this is the case, she will have to consult her husband before she travels there. She reports that Mr Best's finances are in a sorry state and he is in the King's Bench [a debtor's prison], and that 'West India property is in a bad way'.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at 35 Aldgate High Street [London].</p>