The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from John Hope to Mary Hamilton

Hope, John

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from John Hope to Mary Hamilton, concerning writing and religion. Hope notes that Mr Wye’s servant did not deliver Hamilton’s note until that morning and hence it was not in his power to obey her commands earlier. He writes that these are all the 'Letters of the Christian I thought worth the keeping. The Others being only a temporary Criticism on a late Publication, I have destroy[e]d'. Hope notes that Hamilton is too 'well confirmed in the Principles of her Religion ever to be converted to my Faith'. He assumes that he does not run the risk of converting her beliefs by a second set of views 'on little else than the Form of Public Prayers' else he would not have sent them her as it is not his 'Profession to make converts'. When people change their tenets than they should do so independently otherwise there is a risk that it will affect their future peace of mind'. </p>

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