The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Sophia Fielding (née Finch) to Mary Hamilton

Fielding (née Finch), Sophia

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Sophia Fielding to Mary Hamilton, relating to Hamilton's being received by the Queen. Fielding writes that her mother, Lady Charlotte Finch has received a command from the Queen to introduce Hamilton to the Queen the following evening. Lady Finch will accompany Hamilton and invites her to dine with her before they are received by the Queen. Fielding also notes that the day for Hamilton to officially start her post as sub-governess has not yet been confirmed but she expects it will be early next week. She also notes that as Hamilton is to come to the Queen's house by order of the Queen then Hamilton should be dressed 'as you w[oul]d for a large Assembly'.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at St James's [London].</p>

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