The Mary Hamilton Papers : Note from John Fisher to Mary Hamilton

Fisher, John

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Note from John Fisher to Mary Hamilton. He returns the <i>Milkwomans verses</i>, with the money for eight subscriptions. [The reference relates to a work written by Ann Yearsley (1752-1806). Yearsley was a milk seller prior to being a poet, who suffered from poverty. Hannah More came across her and recognised her literary talents and organised for her poems to be published by subscription in 1785; see also HAM/1/6/6/2.] Fisher notes that he had taken the liberty to mention the 'subject to a certain great Lady' [presumably the Queen] but she had already been informed of the subject by Mary Delany.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at St James's [London].</p>

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