The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from the Duchess of Portland to Mary Hamilton
Cavendish Bentinck (née Harley), Margaret, Duchess of Portland
The Mary Hamilton Papers
<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from the Duchess of Portland to Mary Hamilton, concerning general news. The Duchess writes of Hamilton's husband and of fashions in London. She also notes her incredulity that a rook was ordered to be shot [presumably by the gamekeeper on her estate] and 'a whole Colony frighten[e]d out of their wits' to stop them picking at the grains of corn, whilst the same grain was left to be 'gobbled [...] up with impunity' by 'screaming Peacocks' and other birds.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>A note written in Hamilton's hand at the top of the letter states that the Duchess Dowager of Portland and Mrs Delany [Mary Delany (née Granville) (1700-1788), English Bluestocking, artist, and letter-writer] always called Hamilton's husband, John Dickenson, the 'King of Poland – as they thought he resembled him'.</p>