The Mary Hamilton Papers : Copy of letter from Mary Hamilton to Robert Henry Blosset

Hamilton, Mary

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Copy of letter from Mary Hamilton to an unnamed addressee [presumably Mr Blosset], relating to her daughter, Louisa Dickenson. Hamilton writes that she has no doubts of Blosset's affection for her daughter and she feels for him. There has been no mistake or misunderstanding relating to him, as she has been attached to [name crossed out, presumably Sir William Anson] for a number of years. Hamilton continues that fortune 'has been no consideration with her, as he has only that of a younger brother' and that her husband has consented to the match. She continues that her husband holds Blosset in esteem 'but finding you determined to persevere in a helpless case, he was obliged to look cool upon you'.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>A note on the letter states that Hamilton sent it with 'Mr Dickenson's approbation'.</p>

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