The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from William Kerr to Mary Hamilton

Kerr, William

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from William Kerr to Mary Hamilton. Dr Kerr explains to Hamilton that he has not been acquainted with Lord Cathcart [William Cathcart [1755-1843] Scottish Soldier and diplomatist], but that at any rate, he would not want to place this letter in any other hands than her own. He has taken the amount of the taxes, the information that Lord Cathcart specifically desired to have, and sent it in the night's post. He also trusts that Hamilton will transmit the contents of Lady George's letter to his Lordship at some point. He explains that he would have done so himself but he has only just arrived home and has barely had time to note the taxes. He also requests that Lord Cathcart pass on any commission he has acquired.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at Northampton.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Original reference No. 1.</p>

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