The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Maria Rundell to Mary Hamilton

Rundell, Maria

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Maria Rundell to Mary Hamilton. Rundell’s mother has heard from a friend, Mrs Preston, that Hamilton may be visiting Bath shortly and hopes that she will visit her and her family when she does so though she also notes that she hopes the visit is not made because of Mr Dickenson’s health and that her mother suggests that the waters may be of use as a prevention.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>The letter updates Hamilton on news of friends. Mrs Brownlow is recovering well from her lying-in and has had a son. The stress of parting from Colonel Brownlow and from constant travel brought her into labour six-weeks early. She notes that Bath is very busy at present and that amongst the visitors to the City are the Duke and Duchess of Chandos.</p>

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