The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from William Wake to Mary Hamilton

Wake, William, 9th Baronet

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from William Wake to Mary Hamilton. He says that the letter is to express in writing what he feels unable to do in person. He notes that the subject and the conversation that he and Hamilton have some mornings ago is still fresh in his mind but it 'may perhaps have slip[p]ed yours'. He writes that she endeavoured to 'set friendship in a very unpleasant, and [...] [he] hope[s] false light, declaring it to be in your opinion very fickle, and that society made up was for the loss of the dearest friend, and perfectly made amends for his absence'. Wake is surprised by her sentiments and for a short time believed that he knew less of her than he thought he did. When he considered how his daily experience proved different and he no longer doubted her true meaning 'and with sorrow I saw the dispersion of all my dreams'. Wake notes that Hamilton has intended her speech to hint to him that her friendship 'should be of that nature' and that it might do well when she was in the Country with the Wakes where she 'had nothing better for [...] [her] amusement than to make mirth for yourself at my expense'. That it should end when more agreeable schemes presented themselves. He suggests that Hamilton has two sets of friends, one set being country friends, of whom she may be too ashamed to own when in London. Wake writes of how could he be so vain as to believe that Hamilton could be a friend to such as him. This, he writes, is his 'first disappointment in Life'. The letter continues on this subject and he ends by wishing Hamilton happiness and that he had flattered himself that he possessed at least a portion of her affection. Wake's 'heart is too very wretched [...] to permit me to write any more'.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Original reference No. 11.</p>

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