The Mary Hamilton Papers : Note from Mary Beauvoir (née Sharpe) to Mary Hamilton
Beauvoir (née Sharpe, later Douglas), Mary
The Mary Hamilton Papers
<p style='text-align: justify;'>Note from Mary Beauvoir (née Sharpe, wife of Osmund Beauvoir) to Mary Hamilton. She refers to "the topic which you so justly call painful" and remarks that it "shall never be mentioned or alluded to either in conversation or writing between us". If Hamilton agrees to this, Beauvoir will continue their acquaintance. However, "without this assurance", Beauvoir will "renounce" meeting with Hamilton again. The two friends seem to have fallen out on this matter, on which see HAM/1/22/52 and HAM/1/22/54.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at Stanhope Street, [London].</p>