The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Lady Dartrey (later Lady Cremorne) to Mary Hamilton

Dawson (née Freame), Philadelphia Hannah, Baroness Cremorne

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Lady Dartrey to Mary Hamilton. The letter relates to Hamilton's wish to resign from her position at Court. Dartrey wishes to advise her but is unsure how to. Hamilton has written her to say that her position at court is detrimental to her health and Dartrey replies that it hurts her 'to think this, on many accounts [...] it is so strong a plea, that were you sure of it I could [...] [have no argument against it'. She continues that a month or two will see her recover. She advises telling Lady Finch her scheme for the moment or at least until something has been settled. She asks her to postpone her decision and stressed that to have to employ a replacement whilst Lady Finch is absent may cause some distress to the royal household. She advises that Hamilton delays her decision until the return of Lady Finch as we do not know 'how she will be obliged to act'. That is unless Hamilton is so ill that it is impossible for her to attend to her position and if Dr Turton thinks Hamilton 'really cannot attend this Summer without this hazard – I can say no more'. Dartrey notes that if she were not her friend she would not give her this advice. Whatever her decision, Dartrey asks her to let her know as she will be anxious to hear.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at Clifton.</p>

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