The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Charlotte Finch to Mary Hamilton

Finch (née Fermor), Charlotte, Lady

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Charlotte Finch to Mary Hamilton. She thanks Hamilton for her letter which gave her great pleasure. She is sorry to hear that she has lost someone dear to her and thanks God that her family 'are in perfect health; & in their Society I have passed a happy & cheerful three weeks'. She will soon be back at Court and writes that she has sent a note to the princesses enclosed to Miss Goldsworthy, which she hopes has been received.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>The letter is concerned with general news. Finch thanks Hamilton for her congratulations on Lord Winchilsea's account and her daughter Mrs Fielding is 'rejoiced' at Hamilton studying a subject that she may find as interesting as Botany is to Finch ,who intends to continue her interest in the subject in the summer. She reports that hunting is enjoyed 'in all its glory' in Burley and that the Duchess of Coventry is very merry. Her three 'babies' are very well and if they can cope with the journey, then she will present them to Hamilton as much improved by their country trip.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at Burley.</p>

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