The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Mary Glover to Mary Hamilton
Glover, Mary
The Mary Hamilton Papers
<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Mary Glover to Mary Hamilton, relating to the death of her father, Richard Glover. Knowing that Hamilton would be interested to know all of her father’s last words, Glover writes that she copies from a paper she has in her pocket book what she had written down a half hour after her father had said it. She knows that Hamilton will be in tears when she reads it and she writes that her father’s own tears and words are ‘engraved’ on her heart. She continues that her father has provided well for her brother Richard. He has left him his library ‘which he has already dispersed’. She fears her brother is in debt. Glover is now ‘mistress’ of six thousand pounds and of some of her father’s manuscripts which she notes is of more value to her than the money. She writes that this is ‘the greatest proof to me of his affection’. Her mother is also well provided for and will have eight hundred per year and everything ‘at her own disposal’. Glover continues on how much her brother has been left and her disappointment at how her brother acted during her father’s illness which she describes as ‘shocking’.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at Albemarle Street [London].</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Original reference No. 12.</p>