The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Charlotte Margaret Gunning to Mary Hamilton
Digby (née Gunning), Charlotte Margaret
The Mary Hamilton Papers
<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Charlotte Gunning to Mary Hamilton. She asks Hamilton whether she is dead or simply away from London. Gunning has agreed to direct her letters to Sir William Wake and as not yet received a reply from Hamilton and asks if the letters have fallen into Sir Wake's hands and not reached her. She understands that Sir Wake has bought a house in Essex and wishes to know if Hamilton intends to spend her Summer there with them. Gunning sends Hamilton a pattern for a border and asks her to go to <i><i>Hodgkins</i></i> to purchase her the material. She continues with general news of the weather and of friends, writing that she has so many 'visits hanging over me, that I feel quite pressed with them'.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at Horton.</p>