The Mary Hamilton Papers : Incomplete letter from Mary Hamilton to Charlotte Margaret Gunning
Hamilton, Mary
The Mary Hamilton Papers
<p style='text-align: justify;'>Incomplete letter from Mary Hamilton to Charlotte Gunning. She writes of her visit to Eastbourne with members of the Royal household. She notes that she is well and is delighted with her society which includes Lady Finch. It also includes Mr Farhill and Mr Fisher who she has known only for a few days (Hamilton is referring to Mr Farhill (see <a target='_blank' class='externalLink uom-purple' href=''>HAM/1/7/4</a>) and John Fisher (see <a target='_blank' class='externalLink uom-purple' href=''>HAM/1/7/6</a>) but is very pleased with their conversation and manner. She details the travel down to Eastbourne and of the loyalty and affection shown by the people in towns, villages and hamlets towards the royal children. Bells were rung & the poor women & children running out to' throw flowers as they passed. When they stopped at an Inn they were covered with flowers. Large 'nosegays' were continually thrown into the 'windows of the carriages & often saluted us w[i]th a pretty smart blow on the cheek'. Hamilton notes that Prince Edwards Governor took it upon himself to throw silver to the people who gave flowers and to the bell-ringers as a reward for their show of loyalty. The party was met by a group of men on horseback about 8 miles before they reached Eastbourne. Some of the men had brought their wives and daughters. The royal party were given three cheers by the horsemen who then escorted the carriages to their accommodation. Small cannons were placed by the windows of their house by fishermen and sailors and were fired at intervals the whole of the evening. A cask of beer was then ordered for the men and was soon emptied in toasting the health of the royals.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at Eastbourne.</p>