The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Mary Hamilton to Charlotte Margaret Gunning

Hamilton, Mary

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Mary Hamilton to Charlotte Gunning. She has been concerned about Gunning's health. She herself is not 'stout enough this Eve[nin]g to venture out for the first time'. Instead she sends a book on 'Great Painters' by 'young Beckford' [William Beckford's Biographical Memoirs of Extraordinary Painters (1780)] to keep Gunning amused while recovering from illness. 'If you have every made the different Stiles of the Great Painters Your study, this Book cannot fail of entertaining you, & if you have not it will still amuse you as the language is good & there is a vivacity that keeps up ye. attention'.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Original reference No. 14.</p>

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