The Mary Hamilton Papers : Journal-letter from Mary Hamilton to Charlotte Margaret Gunning

Hamilton, Mary

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Journal-letter from Mary Hamilton to Charlotte Gunning. She offers her an account of her visit to Mrs [Charlotte] Walsingham, where the party consisted of Mrs Vesey and Horace Walpole amongst others (see Diary HAM/2/3/1 pp.8ff.). Walpole invited her to his villa and invited the rest of the company to meet her that day. She notes that Mrs Walsingham desired her to stay longer so she could not refuse, and another inducement was that Walpole asked her to visit Strawberry Hill 2 hours before dinner so he could show her his art work. Hamilton continues that Gunning cannot imagine how much 'Hero' [Mrs Walsingham] has made of her since her visit and how attentive, polite and good humoured she is. Walsingham is much pleased and no wonder. Everything 'around her being her own property, it interests & amuses her'. The letter continues with a description of how she spent her time during the visit, including a visit to Hampton Court Palace and a visit to the Duke of Newcastle's residence at Oaklands.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at Thames Ditton.</p>

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