The Mary Hamilton Papers : Notes from Mary Hamilton to Charlotte Margaret Gunning
The Mary Hamilton Papers
<p style='text-align: justify;'>Four notes from Mary Hamilton to Charlotte Gunning. In the first note, which is undated, Hamilton writes that she is ill and can barely write. She notes that the two eldest princesses have also had the cold. In the second note, dated 30 June 1780, Hamilton thanks her friend for her goodness. The third undated note concerns a woman who Hamilton notes is good humoured but is 'tattling & has the qualities of a sieve, not able to retain any thing'. Hamilton continues that she will always remain grateful to her for introducing her to Gunning. The fourth undated note inorms that the Royal Family have gone to 'Babel' this morning and return on Monday for dinner. Hamilton also writes with enquiries of her great aunt, Lady Mary Colley, who is the sister of Charles Hamilton.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Original reference No. 26.</p>