The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Lady Catherine Herries (née Foote) to Mary Hamilton

Herries (née Foote), Catherine

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Lady Catherine Herries to Mary Hamilton. She writes of her pleasure in knowing of Hamilton's 'love' for her and that 'one so rarely meets with the idea of a perfect friend'. Although some would say that their friendship has been short, they have a 'sympathy of mind' that they know each other more 'thoroughly in one month, perhaps in one conversation as others may do in years'. She continues on their friendship and on her disappointment that Mrs Vesey was unable to visit, and assures Hamilton that she would have done all she could to have amused her. Herries has little news for Hamilton, as each day is as much as another. She continues to outline how she spends her time, updates Hamilton on the child she is caring for (Nina Herries, later Foote, see HAM/1/17/48), enquires after Hamilton's friend Mrs Delany, and is pleased to know that Mr [Horace] Walpole does not 'dislike' her, as she likes him 'prodigiously & the more that he loves you as you should be loved'.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at Tunbridge Wells, [Kent].</p>

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