<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Nina Herries, on behalf of Lady Catherine Herries, to John Dickenson, relating to Mary Hamilton's health, the birth of Mrs Palombi's son and news of John Dickenson Senior.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Lady Herries writes to thank Dickenson for his own letter informing her of Hamilton's poor health and spirits. Herries hopes that she will soon hear that Hamilton is improved. She congratulates Dickenson on the birth of a son to his sister [Elizabeth Palombi] (see <a target='_blank' class='externalLink uom-purple' href='https://archiveshub.jisc.ac.uk/manchesteruniversity/data/gb133-ham/ham/1/3/2'>HAM/1/3/2</a>) and on the news that she is safe and of her hope that Dickenson 'continues to have good accounts of her recovery'. It is unclear as to what incident she is referring to but Herries writes on John Dickenson's father having 'escaped [...] [a] great hazard [...] [which] his great humanity led him into'</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Herries is in Hastings, where she has been for the last two weeks for the sea-bathing and for the air. She complains that there is no 'company here' and that she has been spending much of her time with Mr and Mrs Cumberland, who are also in Hastings for the benefit of Mrs Cumberland's health. She notes that they had both been 'friendly & attentive' when they were in Tunbridge Wells in the summer. She continues that she will probably stay in Hastings for a further fortnight and will then return to St. James's Street for the winter.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Sir Robert Herries is well but Herries is unsure as to when he will return home and is in hopes that it will be before Christmas. A family friend, Mr Sackville, is in Hastings with her and Nina. Herries ends her letter noting that Mr Sackville was kind enough to 'wade through roads nearly impassable to spend a few days with us'.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at Hastings.</p>