The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Lady Catherine Herries (née Foote) to Mary Hamilton
Herries (née Foote), Catherine
The Mary Hamilton Papers
<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Lady Catherine Herries to Mary Hamilton, concerning general news and Herries missing a packet to Lisbon.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Lady Herries fears that the letter that Nina had written Hamilton just before they left town (for Falmouth) may not have reached her as soon as she had wished it to (HAM/1/17/199), so that she could acquaint her of Sir Robert Herries's change of plans for her [Lady Herries]. Herries had arrived the previous day and writes of the difficult travel conditions and her hopes to be in time for the 'Lisbon packet', but had found out that it had sailed the day before and will probably not sail again until the end of the week, which leaves her 'planted' in Falmouth with the thought that Sir Robert will be in Lisbon in a few days and that he expects her to be on the packet. She continues that it is 'impossible not to be vexed at this'. Herries is with her brother and Nina and concedes that the delay will at least give them some rest before the 'Fatigues of the sea'. She notes that she will write to Hamilton as soon as she reaches Lisbon or when she has details of what her future plans will be, though she hopes to return home by the summer.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Lady Herries is 'agitated' by this sudden 'turn in things', especially with Sir Robert having to spend the winter in Spain 'in order to finish th[e] business whi[ic]h carried him there'. The letter continues in this vein before Herries writes of Mr Sackville and his health and of the news that Hamilton had given her regarding their 'Estate', news which Herries 'rejoices' at and hopes that it will be to their 'satisfaction' and hopes that this will aid in their 'monetary matters'.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at Falmouth.</p>