The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Louisa Murray, Lady Stormont, to Mary Hamilton
Murray (née Cathcart), Louisa
The Mary Hamilton Papers
<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Louisa Murray, Lady Stormont, to Mary Hamilton. She writes in some detail on the parish of Eastwell. She also writes of Warwick Castle and her brother, the 2nd Earl of Warwick and the death of his eldest son (see HAM/1/18/142). Lord Brooke was a 'charming Boy' but Stormont notes she is one of those who consider his death a 'blessing' as she is sure that he 'never could have had a happy life among Lady Warwick's children'. [Lord Brooke was the only child from the Earl of Warwick's first marriage.] The letter continues on 'Lady W' [probably Warwick] whom Stormont notes that if she continues to have children so fast then 'it is impossible she sh[oul]d last many years'. She also believes that she is hurting her health by her constantly 'cold bathing'.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Stormont also briefly writes on the attempted assassination of the King by Margaret Nicholson. 'What an Escape the K. had'. She continues that it seems 'quite clear that the woman is mad'. She also reports that one of her friends whom she met at St Petersburg, a Miss Gormon, has been appointed to look after the princesses. The letter is also concerned with general family news.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at Walmer Castle.</p>