The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Louisa Murray, Lady Stormont, to Mary Hamilton

Murray (née Cathcart), Louisa

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Louisa Murray, Lady Stormont, to Mary Hamilton. She admits to being a bad correspondent but she has led a life of anxiety over the past many months, caused in part by her concern for the health of her children. She reports that her daughter Caroline improves daily and her constitution is more strengthened. She continues her letter on the subject of her children and writes that William is now at College and Charles and Henry are ‘very good company at home’.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Stormont writes on her visit to Scotland [for an election in which Lord Stormont] was sitting and reports that he received the ‘greatest number of votes’ and on the marriage of a relation and ends her letter by enquiring about Louisa Hamilton and by requesting an account of how Hamilton spends her time.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at Little Grove.</p>

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