The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Francis Napier, 8th Lord Napier, to Mary Hamilton

Napier, Francis Scott, 8th Lord

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Francis Napier, 8th Lord Napier, to Mary Hamilton. He is still waiting to hear from General Leslie in America with regards to his proposal to his daughter. He has promised to keep the proposal secret until he hears from the General and he is unable to address her which he wishes he could do has he has reason to suspect that she may be growing attached to an Earl and that this attachment may be influenced by the advice of her cousin. He hopes to have an answer by the time he leaves Scotland which will be in a short time. He assures Hamilton that he is not jealous and that the information comes from her aunt, Lady Hopetoun.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Napier writes of his estate which he has just returned from. Although he has two castles, both without side walls, roofs, windows and so on. He intends to build a cottage the following Summer and he hopes to see Hamilton at it at some point.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at Edinburgh.</p>

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