The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Francis Napier, 8th Lord Napier, to Mary Hamilton

Napier, Francis Scott, 8th Lord

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Francis Napier, 8th Lord Napier, to Mary Hamilton, containing news of the King's health, politics and Hamilton's bluestocking friends.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Napier writes of his relief that his Irish business relating to a legacy has now been resolved and of his pleasure at the King's return to health. This is to the great satisfaction to the people of Scotland. He notes that during the King's illness ‘[p]arty ran very high. The majority of people were his friends & those who were the friends of his enemies, are now forced to join in processions they by no means relish’. The letter also relates to Lord Stormont who Napier finds cold. He had supported him in the last General Election, contrary to his own political wishes and he notes that he has lately written circular letters to the Peers of Scotland informing them of his intention of offering himself to their ‘patronage & protection, whenever a General Election may take place’. Lord Stormont's answer he describes as ‘impertinent’. Napier has many family connections in the peerage and he notes that it is probable that his friends in power were likely to retire from office and he wished to ‘strengthen any claim I might have for the assistance of future Ministers, by placing myself in a situation, which might oblige them to be attentive’. Now his friends have retained their ministerial offices he is unsure as to whether he will continue in any attempt to be in Parliament himself. He enjoys his domestic comforts and does not want to put himself and his family in a place which could cause him some annoyance.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Napier also talks of Hamilton's ‘blue stocking’ friends. He writes that he was never very fond of Hamilton's ‘Mrs Montagu's & Mrs [Charlotte] Walsingham's’. He continues ‘much vanity, much ostentation & pride, was endeavoured to be hid under an appearance of being learned & of practicing indignant Merit’. He writes that he will say no more on the subject for ‘fear of drawing the Tribe of the Blue Stockings on my back, & I honestly confess myself unable to quote Horace [...] with any of them’.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>The letter continues with news on Napier's family.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at Edinburgh.</p>

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