The Mary Hamilton Papers : Letter from Francis Napier, 8th Lord Napier, to Mary Hamilton

Napier, Francis Scott, 8th Lord

The Mary Hamilton Papers

<p style='text-align: justify;'>Letter from Francis Napier, 8th Lord Napier, to Mary Hamilton, relating to the death of Napier's nephew and the King's health. Napier's sister 'Warren' has lost her only son 'at the landing of the troops in Egypt'. Lord Elgin had written to the Duke of York with the news. Although the family have not yet received an official letter from Sir Abercromby and he has not sent the official returns, he believes that it is doubtful that the information is incorrect. Napier has two other relations in this army, Brigadier General Hope, who has been wounded and his cousin Captain Napier. Napier has no information on him as yet and is worried.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Napier reports that the King is better but that he regains his strength slowly. 'So much so, that they avoid engaging him in business, as much as possible, and do not like to propose any fresh business to him'.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Dated at St James's Street, [London].</p>

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