The Digital Edition of the Heinrich Simon Papers : Letter to Heinrich Simon from his parents Herrmann and Minna Simon
Simon, Friedrich Herrmann (Heymann), 1781-1851, Simon, Juliane Wilhelmine (Minna), 1779/83-1850
The Digital Edition of the Heinrich Simon Papers
<p style='text-align: justify;'>Herrmann Simon thanks his son for his letters and hopes that he is well, diligent and happy, reminding Heinrich that happiness comes from diligence. He also asks his son to control his tempestuousness and reminds him that it is easier to make friends when one gives in to other people from time to time. Minna Simon also expresses her hope that Heinrich is being diligent at school. She reminds him to clean his teeth regularly and informs him of the arrival of a new cousin.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Note(s):</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>This letter (inserted back to front in the bound volume) is part of the correspondence dated 4 May 1819, comprised of letters SIM/1/36 and SIM/1/38.</p>