Papers of Heinrich Simon, University of Manchester : Start of Career
Papers of Heinrich Simon, University of Manchester
<p style='text-align: justify;'>The sixth volume of papers concerning Heinrich Simon is divided into five sections: (1) Berlin, 6 to 24 August 1834; (2) First big journey, 24 August to 1 October 1834; (3) Magdeburg, 31 December 1834 to 22 May 1836; (4) Greifswald, 20 June 1836 to 19 March 1837; (5) Frankfurt (Oder), 28 March 1837 to July 1837. The full titles of each section, as given in the volume, are recorded in the descriptions below. The papers record Heinrich Simon's earliest appointments as an Assessor in Magdeburg, Greifswald and Frankfurt (Oder) and include material such as notes, calendars, drafts (e.g. of the oral presentation at the third law examination), visiting cards, printed leaflets and booklets, as well as letters, documents and other notes connected with his work. The major part of the volume consists of correspondence with an increasing number of people. </p><p style='text-align: justify;'><b>Berlin, during the stay for the third examination, 6 to 24 August 1834</b></p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Items from this period include a draft of the oral presentation at the third law examination; visiting cards, with SIM/6/12 being Heinrich Simon’s visiting card and SIM/6/13 the visiting card of his uncle Heinrich Simon the Elder. Letters referring to his career as a lawyer include one from the Minister of Justice to Heinrich Simon, and a letter from the town councillors of Brieg. Apart from Heinrich Simon, correspondents include his parents Herrmann and Minna Simon, and his siblings Gustav and Julie Simon, Auguste Gräff, sister-in-law Antonie "Toni" Theodora Simon (née Stöckel, wife of Gustav Simon), uncle Heinrich Simon the Elder, cousin Max Simon, and other friends and colleagues. Item SIM/6/10 reveals that the date of Heinrich Simon's third law examination was 12 August 1834.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'><b>First big journey, 24 August to 1 October 1834</b></p><p style='text-align: justify;'>This part includes very few items recording the journey itself, but many letters written after Heinrich Simon's return, when he was staying in Berlin and was in office for the first time as a fully qualified lawyer. In addition, there are drafts of letters, notes and a list(s). Records referring to his work are: a letter from the Minister of Justice to Heinrich Simon announcing his appointment as Assessor at the Königliches Kammergericht (Royal Supreme Court); an appointment charter as Kammergerichts-Assessor for Heinrich Simon, dated Berlin 1 September 1834; instructions concerning his employment at the Oberlandesgericht (Supreme District Court) Magdeburg, dated 12 December 1834.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>The remaining material concerning this period comprises correspondence including letters from and to Heinrich Simon’s close family (his parents, his sister Auguste and her husband Heinrich Gräff, uncle Heinrich Simon the Elder, cousins Max Simon, Marie Gärtner (née Simon), and Rudolph Simon), and other relatives, friends and colleagues. As in the previous years, letters from friends or colleagues were often invitations to visit or for a meal.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'><b>Magdeburg, 31 December 1834 to 22 May 1836</b></p><p style='text-align: justify;'>The largest of the five parts of this volume covers the time of Heinrich Simon's first real employment as Assessor at the Oberlandesgericht Magdeburg. One of the events concerning his family in this period was the christening of Heinrich Simon's godson: Item SIM/6/124 includes a card inviting Heinrich Simon to the christening on 5 August 1835 and recording the request of Gustav Simon that Heinrich should be a godfather, dated 25 June 1835. Included are documents such as papers and letters relating to his work as a lawyer, personal accounts such as documents referring to his membership of a Magdeburg society (joined in May 1835) and to a journey to Bamberg and Nuremberg in 1835. Also included are calendars with entries for 1835 and 1836, notes, letters, drafts, book lists, visiting cards, poems and lyrics of songs, concert ticket(s), and post-coach ticket(s).</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>The correspondence consists of letters exchanged between Heinrich Simon and an increasing number of people. There are many letters from and to Heinrich Simon’s close family: his parents Herrmann and Minna, his siblings, Hermine, Julie, Auguste and her husband Heinrich Gräff, Gustav and his wife Antonie Simon, as well as uncle Heinrich Simon the Elder, cousins Max Simon, Marie Simon and Rudolph Simon, and Auguste Siegfried. Some of the letters written by Auguste and Heinrich Gräff include writings by their children. Many letters to Heinrich Simon were written by friends, colleagues and other people, and often contain invitations for meals or visits.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'><b>Greifswald, 20 June 1836 to 19 March 1837</b></p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Papers recording the period of Heinrich Simon's appointment at the Oberappellationsgericht Greifswald consist of extensive correspondence; papers, notes and letters related to Simon's work; his post-coach ticket for the journey from Berlin to Stralsund; drafts, 43 proverbs (verse couplets), visiting and invitation cards (with item SIM/6/300 being Hermine Simon’s visiting card). In addition, printed items include a Theses Theologicae; statutes of the Ressource (a society) in Greifswald from 1798/1816; and an invitation booklet from the grammar school in Greifswald for the public examination on 20/21 September 1836.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Referring to Simon's employment as Assessor at the court in Greifswald, are legal notes concerning Neu-Vorpommern (begun 19 June 1836), including jottings and notes, papers and letters concerning cases. Several letters from the Minister of Justice Mühler to Heinrich Simon, concerning his post and salary. </p><p style='text-align: justify;'>The correspondence includes letters from and to Heinrich Simon’s close family as well as his uncle Heinrich Simon the Elder, cousins Marie Gärtner (née Simon), Ferdinand Fischer, and Julius Hoffmann. A Letter (SIM/6/292) from Auguste Gräff includes a list of family members and their birth dates. In addition, several friends and colleagues wrote letters to Heinrich Simon.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'><b>Frankfurt (Oder), 28 March to July 1837</b></p><p style='text-align: justify;'>The material in this section covers the time Heinrich Simon spent working at the Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt (Oder), and consists mainly of correspondence. Other documents are: a "Prospectus" (leaflet) regarding additions to and explanations of the Prussian statute-books; a list of legal cases which Heinrich Simon had to work on in Frankfurt (Oder) from 1 April 1837; and a letter from the Minister of Justice Mühler regarding Simon's transfer to Breslau. During his first days at the Oberlandesgericht Frankfurt (Oder) Heinrich Simon made some notes, including a list of names and a page containing the names of people working at the court and remarks by Heinrich Simon on each person.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Finally, the correspondence includes letters written to Heinrich Simon by his close family including his brother-in-law Heinrich Gräff, sister-in-law Antonie Simon, cousin Max Simon, uncle Heinrich Simon the Elder; and friends and colleagues.</p>