The Simon Papers, University of Birmingham : Correspondence and other papers (1848-1860)

The Simon Papers, University of Birmingham

<p style='text-align: justify;'>The second series of the Simon Papers contains letters and other material connected with Heinrich Simon and members of his family, covering a period from 1848 to 1860. The majority of documents are in the form of correspondence comprising approximately 316 letters (and telegrams). The bulk of the letters were sent to Heinrich Simon and his partner Marie Gärtner (née Simon), principally by his brother Gustav Simon (dictated or written), while some are from Gustav's wife Antonie Simon and their children "Susi" (Susanna), Reinhard, and Henry Simon. Some letters were written or include greetings by two or more persons, featuring Marie Gärtner (née Simon), Gustav and Antonie Simon, Herrmann Simon, Ludowika Simon, Auguste Gräff (née Simon), and Heinrich Simon the Elder. A small number of letters and notes by Heinrich Simon and Marie Gärtner (née Simon) were sent to his brother Gustav Simon, Gustav’s son Henry Simon, and his cousin Max Simon. Some letters are drafts or incomplete. Many of the letters and other papers including notes, statements, invoices, receipts, lists and calculations, concern financial matters. Correspondents include various people and companies: Caspar Schulthess & Compagnie, Gebrüder Mantel, Hummel & Cie., Gerson von Bleichröder, M. Schreiber and Albert Schreiber, H. Brunner, G.H. Fäsi, Julie Pelz, J.L. Wolf, Bathan, Noltmann, Lickcowsky, Eichborn. Printed materials comprise an engraving (annotated by Gustav Simon) and a card with verses. A small number of letters contain engraved illustrations depicting: "Meran" and "Erinnerung an Warnemünde". Also inserted is a handwritten note relating to the collection (see Acquisition section).</p>

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