Manuscript and Print : Galen's on the Usefulness of the Parts of the Body


Manuscript and Print

<p style='text-align: justify;'> This is an undated manuscript, probably originating in late seventeenth century. It contains the Arabic translation of <i>On the Usefulness of the Parts of the Body</i> by the renowned Greek physician Galen of Pergamum (129-c216 CE) as translated into Arabic by Ḥunayn ibn Isḥāq, a very highly regarded translator of the Abbasid period. The book is divided into 17 <i>Maqālāt</i> (sing. Maqala), each dedicated to a body part. The topics covered in the Maqālāt are as follows (May 1968): 1. The Hand, 2. The Wrist and Arm, 3. The Foot and Leg, 4. The Instruments of Nutrition, 5. The Instruments of Nutrition, continued, 6. The Instruments of the Pneuma, 7. The Instruments of the Pneuma, continued, 8. The Neck, Head, Encephalon, and Senses, 9. The Encephalon, Cranial Nerves, and Cranium, 10. The Eyes, 11. The Face, 12. The Head and Spine, 13. The Spine and Shoulder, 14. The Reproductive Tract, 15. The Reproductive Tract, the Fetus, and the Hip Joint, 16. The Nerves, Arteries, and Veins, 17. "Epode".</p>

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