Manuscripts : Pricke of Conscience; Richard of Maidstone's commentary on Psalms
<p style='text-align: justify;'>Imperfect copy of the Pricke of Conscience, together with a commentary, usually attributed to Richard of Maidstone, which ends 'Graunt oon god and persones yre 1223'. Originally bound with other works, which are now missing. On folio <a dir='auto' href='' onclick='store.loadPage(13);return false;'>2r</a> there is an index listing thirteen items:</p><p style='text-align: justify;'><div>(1) "the prycke of concyence"<br />(2) "vii salmes in Inglysche"<br />(3) "the name of Ihesu"<br />(4) "for fyshyng and fowlyng"<br />(5) "a ballett of lente"<br />(6) "Ayenst ye yoke of maryage wt mery ballett"<br />(7) "A blynd ballett"<br />(8) "A maryners boke"<br />(9) "A ballet of eduerd ye iiiith kyng"<br />(10) "byll' of bokes abbrogated"<br />(11) "of the passyon of or lord Ihesu chryst"<br />(12) "A ballet of or ladyes aultr"<br />(13) "the bond of norfolke men"<br /></div><br /></p><p>Only the first two are contained in this codex:</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>(1) Folios <a dir='auto' href='' onclick='store.loadPage(19);return false;'>5r-116v</a>, Pricke of Conscience, ed. Richard Morris, The pricke of conscience (see Bibliography below). Index of Middle English verse, no. 3428/61. Begins at line 76 'and ȝaf hym skylle witt and mynde'. Ends 'þat for vs made heuen erþe and al þinge. Her endeþ þe pricke of conscience. Finito libro reddatur gloria cristo. Qui scripcit carmen sit benedictus amen'. A leaf is missing after folio <a dir='auto' href='' onclick='store.loadPage(20);return false;'>5v</a> which ends 'haue no knowings' (line 153); folio <a dir='auto' href='' onclick='store.loadPage(21);return false;'>6r</a>begins 'and amende wiþ al' (line 230). Two leaves are missing after folio <a dir='auto' href='' onclick='store.loadPage(56);return false;'>23v</a> which ends 'soule and body' (line 1687), followed by the heading 'Of þe maner of gostly deþ'; folio <a dir='auto' href='' onclick='store.loadPage(57);return false;'>24r</a> begins 'Whan þe soule' (line 1839).</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>(2) Folios <a dir='auto' href='' onclick='store.loadPage(243);return false;'>117r-123v</a>, (blank folios <a dir='auto' href='' onclick='store.loadPage(257);return false;'>124r-126v</a>), <a dir='auto' href='' onclick='store.loadPage(263);return false;'>127r-134v</a>, Commentary on the seven penitential psalms, usually attributed to Richard of Maidstone (- 1396). Index of Middle English verse, no. 3755/7. Begins 'To goddes worschipe þat der' vs bouȝt', and ends 'graunte oon god and persones þre. Amen amen amen. Explicit comentum super 7 ps' penitenciales in anglicis'. '1223' is written in what might be the main hand on folio <a dir='auto' href='' onclick='store.loadPage(278);return false;'>134v</a> in a line by itself between persones þre and the three Amens; also on folio <a dir='auto' href='' onclick='store.loadPage(279);return false;'>135r</a>.</p>