Middle English Manuscripts : Brut Chronicle (1326 Continuation)
Middle English Manuscripts
<p style='text-align: justify;'>Brut Chronicle, ending imperfectly in 1326.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>Brut Chronicle beginning <a dir='auto' href='' onclick='store.loadPage(11);return false;'>3r</a>: 'Here may a man heren how that Englonde was first called Albion and thurgh whom it had the name. In the noble londe of Surrey...' The manuscript ends imperfectly at folio <a dir='auto' href='' onclick='store.loadPage(214);return false;'>104v</a>: 'then shuld he cloo-', with the catchword 'then hym in a': ed. F.W.D. Brie, The Brut (see Bibliography below), p. 244 line 18. Two leaves are missing between folio 45v, which ends 'lorde', and folio 46r, which begins 'Englonde'; the missing text is from Brie p. 90 line 27 to p. 95 line 4. The divisions into chapters follow Brie, but there are no chapter numbers, and there are no chapter headings after folio 48, 'How Cadwalader..'.</p>