<p style='text-align: justify;'> Prospectus of a new weekly publication The Patriot, Saturday, August 28th, 1819. The local loyalist press were most active in attempting to counteract the effects of the storm of criticism coming from other parts of the country. As early as 28 August 1819 the proprietors of Aston's Exchange Herald put out a small 8-page weekly publication The Patriot, which according to its original prospectus, contained 'Information on Political, Moral, Commercial, Agricultural, and Economical Subjects, Combined with a due portion of Amusement'. It lasted until just after the end of the year, and by the time the bound volume appeared its title page read: 'The Patriot: a periodical publication, intended to arrest the Progress of Seditious and Blasphemous Opinions, too prevalent in the year 1819'. </p>