Hebrew Manuscripts : Composite manuscript: Sefer Goralot in two copies
Hebrew Manuscripts
<p style='text-align: justify;'>Composite codex containing two copies of the text Sefer Goralot (Book of Lots). A lot (גורל) is cast to find an answer to a question that is important to the individual casting it. The Book of Lots consists of an introductory text, which includes a prayer to be recited before a lot is cast, and several tables. The last table surveys sixty prophets from Adam to Ezra who give twelve answers to different questions. This table can presumably be consulted in conjunction with the first two, which are subdivided into twelve zodiacal signs plus each sign into five further "faces" of in total sixty prophets. The first table, entitled "Table of the Faces" (לוח הפרצופים), also lists the issues for which a "yes" or "no" answer is sought (e.g. success/failure in business etc.).</p>