Hebrew Manuscripts : Sefer ha-mivḥar ṿe-ṭov ha-misḥar
Aaron ben Joseph, ha-Rofe, -1320אהרון בן יוסף הרופא
Hebrew Manuscripts
<p style='text-align: justify;'>This is a manuscript copy of the Doctor Aaron ben Joseph's thirteenth-century commentary on the Pentateuch, known as "The Choice Book" (Sefer ha-Mivhar). The title used in the manuscript is Sefer ha-Mivhar ve-Tuv ha-Mishar. Referred to as Aaron the Elder in some manuscripts, the author was deeply influenced by Maimonides' Guide for the Perplexed. He is believed to be the first Karaite to have injected Maimonidean ideas into Karaite mainstream thought.</p>