Hebrew Manuscripts : Song of Jacob by Jacob Bachmann

Bachmann, Jacob, 1846-1905

Hebrew Manuscripts

<p style='text-align: justify;'>This music manuscript is entitled "Shirat Yaʿaḳov - Gesänge für den israelitischen Gottesdienst für Solo und Chor componiert von Jacob Bachmann, Obercantor der isr. Cultusgemeinde in Odessa." It contains 79 Hebrew songs for solo voice and choir composed by hazzan Jacob Bachmann in Odessa. The music and lyrics are preceded by a title-page, a two-page German preface by the composer and a two-page content index with reference to the various liturgical songs. One needs a trained eye to be able to follow the Hebrew text in the score, since the lyrics have been written out syllable by right-to-left syllable to fit the left-to-right convention of sheet music.</p>

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