Persian Manuscripts : Taz̲kirat al-shuʻarāʼ

Dawlatshāh Samarqandī, d. ca. 1494دولتشاه سمرقندى

Persian Manuscripts

<p style='text-align: justify;'> An incomplete copy of the <i>Taẕkirat al-Shuʻarā</i> (Chronicles of Poets) by Dawlatshāh Samarqandī (d. ca. 1494) contains biographical accounts of some 150 poets, together with selections of their works. The author hailed from a ruling Timurid-era elite family and dedicated this work to the cultural and political figure Mīr ‘Alī Shīr Navā'ī (d. 1501). A scribe named Umīd Rāy Bilgramī completed this manuscript in 9 Ṣafar 1197 AH (14 January 1783) for a British patron, named Captain James Dunn, who could either be Colonel James Dunn (d. 1816) or Major James Dunn (d. 1824). </p>

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