Persian Manuscripts : Risālah-'i Mazrū‘āt


Persian Manuscripts

<p style='text-align: justify;'> Since at least the late sixteenth century, copies of this incomplete, brief, anonymous agricultural treatise, here entitled <i>Risālah-'i Mazrū‘āt</i> (Treatise on Crops), circulated widely, often under several other variant titles, such as <i>Kitāb dar Filāḥat</i> (Book on Farming). Written in a clear script and concise, accessible style, its twelve chapters treat topics ranging from cultivating of seeds and grains, soil remediation, and tree propagation, followed by another with lengthy sections devoted to cultivating olives and grapes. It also discusses cultivating apple, peaches, and other fruit trees, tips for pest management, a very detailed section on harvesting, preparing, and preserving various foods, together with practical advice on their consumption, uses, and applications as remedies. The volume ends with a very brief discussion of pigeon-keeping and its benefits. The extensive damage and repair evident throughout the volume suggest that many readers appreciated this volume for the practical information that it contains, including vermilion seal impressions indicating that the royal library of Awadh (Oude) in Lucknow at one point accessioned the volume. </p>

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