Persian Manuscripts : Bahāristān-i Mawlānā Jāmī

Jāmī, 1414-1492جامی

Persian Manuscripts

<p style='text-align: justify;'> The Timurid court poet and renowned Sufi ‘Abd al-Raḥman Jāmī (1414–1492) originally composed the <i>Bahāristān</i> (Spring Garden) in 892 AH (1487 CE). Modelled upon the <i>Gulistān</i> (Rose Garden) of Saʻdī, he divided the work into eight chapters or 'gardens' (<i>rawz̤ah</i>) devoted to Sufi saints and philosophers, the topics of justice, generosity, love, and comedy, as well as a highly esteemed section on poetic literature, and the last regarding animals.</p><p style='text-align: justify;'>This manuscript, probably completed in India in 1260 AH (1844 CE) contains nine illustrations and appears to be the latest copy of this work held in the Rylands' collections.</p>

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