Persian Manuscripts : Mujmal al-Tavārīkh-i Changiz Shāh

Muḥammad Juvaynī al-Khurasānī, fl. 17th c.; محمد جوینی الخرسانی

Persian Manuscripts

<p style='text-align: justify;'>This manuscript appears to be the sole suriving copy of a brief text entitled <i>Mujmal al-Tavārīkh-i Changiz Shāh</i> (Summation of the Histories of Changiz Shāh). It summarizes the history of the Mongol Ilkhanid dynasty from Changiz (Genghis) Khān (b. 1162, r. 1206–1227) to Arghūn Khān (b. 1258, r. 1284–1291). In his preface, the author Muḥammad Juvaynī al-Khurasānī describes how he referenced several chronicles to compose his abridgement for the Mughal Emperor Jahangīr (b. 1569, r. 1605–1627) in 1005 AH (ca. 1596–1597 CE). This volume subsequently lost its first and last folios, which a restorer later replaced, hence the date of completion remains unknown. However, subsequent owner Fanny Birch signed her name upon it in 1796, which provides terminus ante quem for the volume's completion.</p>

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