Persian Manuscripts : Four Persian and Ottoman texts, the first three copied by Ciğālzade Dervîş Maḥmûd bin el-Hâcc ‘Abdülkerîm in 1202 AH (1787–88...
Persian Manuscripts
<p style='text-align: justify;'>This late Ottoman-era manuscript contains four works, two Persian and two in Ottoman Turkish:<br /> A) the <i>Pandnāmah</i> (Book of Advice) spuriously ascribed to Farīd al-Dīn ʿAṭṭār (d. ca. 1230),<br /> B) the <i>Ḫayrnâme</i> (Book of Goodness) by Ottoman poet Nâbî (ca. 1641–1712),<br /> C) the <i>Naṣāyiḥ</i> (Articulations) spuriously ascribed to Jāmī (1414-1492), and<br /> D) the <i>Tevḥîdnâme</i> (Book of Unity), by Ottoman poet Veysî (1561–1628).<br /> Ottoman scribe Ciğâlazâde Dervîş Maḥmūd bin el-Hâcc ‘Abdülkerîm, whose initial patronym connotes his descent from the artistocratic Genoese Cicala family, completed the first, second, and third titles in 1202 AH (1787–88 CE), while an unidentified individual copied the fourth incomplete work.</p>